Importance of Early Literacy for FSL Students

Many students learn multiple languages at an early age. In fact, research has shown that our brains are much more adaptable to language learning the younger we are. For students learning French as a Second Language (FSL), early literacy is incredibly important. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why early literacy matters for FSL students. 

Cyclical Relationships Between Vocabulary & Reading

When learning French, there is a cyclical relationship between vocabulary and reading. Having stronger vocabulary provides FSL students with the ability to have better reading and writing skills. In turn, this exposes them to more new words, creating a cycle of learning. 


Facilitates Immersion within the French Language

French immersion has been found to be an incredibly successful method of rapidly improving language acquisition. This is why many of the most successful virtual learning programs utilize French immersion. Early literacy can strengthen the effect of this technique for language learners, helping them become more fluent in reading and writing in French. 

Provides Children a Learning Boost

When a child develops early literacy skills, particularly before age five, they utilize the same part of their brain to process the second language that they do for their native language. This facilitates more successful learning. It can make it more likely that the child will become bilingual. 

Strengthens Future Learning

While adults may have difficulty learning a second language, young children are not confused by multiple languages. Additionally, when children become bilingual at an early age, it prepares the brain for being able to learn other languages later in life. Early literacy in FSL can provide a strong catalyst for future language acquisition. 

Want to Promote Early Literacy for Your FSL Learner? 

As you can see, early literacy is critical for learning French as a second language. If you would like to help your child with their language learning, our virtual tutors are great for helping improve reading, writing, and speaking ability. Contact us to find out more. 


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